Pines Ford

Jun 28, 2024

One of the ways to stay on top of proper maintenance for your Ford is to schedule routine diagnostic testing at your Ford dealer. A diagnostic test can reveal potential issues and ensure the long-term health of your vehicle.

Ford Service Technician

What Is Diagnostic Testing for Your Ford?

Modern Ford vehicles have sophisticated computerized components that make it easy to diagnose and fix issues. Your vehicle has an onboard computer system that communicates with the internal systems and stores error codes and performance metrics. During a diagnostic test, a technician connects an OBD scanner to your Ford’s computer system to retrieve error codes.

These error codes reveal issues with various systems like the engine, transmission, brakes, and emissions control system. There is a unique error code for each component, which makes it easy to pinpoint underlying issues. This allows the technicians to carry out prompt and accurate repairs.

The Role of Diagnostic Tests in Ford Maintenance

Uncover Issues Early

Diagnostic tests reveal vehicle issues early before they become major problems. The tests retrieve minor and critical error codes, allowing you to address issues promptly. You don’t have to wait for the “check engine” light or other warning lights to illuminate. Include diagnostic tests in your Ford’s routine maintenance to prevent costly repairs down the road.

Prepare for Repairs

Not all issues revealed by a diagnostic test are urgent. The scan helps you plan for your Ford’s future maintenance needs. For example, the test might show that your spark plugs are nearing the end of their lifespan. With this information, you can budget for new spark plugs and schedule a replacement at your convenience.

Optimize Engine Performance

Regular testing is essential for optimizing your engine’s performance. A scan can identify issues with combustion, air intake, and ignition timing that might be affecting your Ford’s power output. Fixing these issues will improve engine performance, boost fuel economy, and control emissions.

Enhance Your Ford’s Maintenance

When it comes to vehicle maintenance, there are no hard-and-fast rules. Your Ford’s maintenance needs are unique, depending on your driving habits. That’s why the results from diagnostic tests are useful in tailoring a service schedule for your vehicle. You can monitor the wear patterns of components and create a personalized service plan to optimize performance.

Schedule a Diagnostic Test at Your Ford Dealer

You should schedule a diagnostic test as soon as you get a dashboard warning light on your Ford. Our technicians will retrieve the error codes corresponding to each component to identify the faulty components. The technicians will repair your Ford using genuine OEM parts to restore performance.

A diagnostic test is a quick and easy task that plays a crucial role in your Ford’s health and performance. Contact Pines Ford in Pembroke Pines, FL to schedule a diagnostic scan and keep your Ford running at its best.